Old Photo Page 5


Updated 05/13/01

We thought it would be fun to share some old photos of edged cutlery that we have gathered over the years. Below are a few that go with the Navy Knives theme featured this week in the Current Knife Knotes. If you have any you could submit, just e-mail them to us. 

We would love to see them.

Click on the thumb nails to see the full size photo.


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A mobile trailer converted into a machine shop in the Aleutian Islands manned by Seabees. This is where many a knife took it's shape.

Credit: Official U.S. Navy Photo


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Seabees and Marines swarming over a recently shot down Japanese plane looking for aluminum, Plexiglas and any other item of value as a souvenir. Yes this is going somewhere.

Credit: Official U.S. Navy Photo


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One of my all time favorite photos. The photo is to show that the Seabees could do anything, such as make a machine shop in a jungle using some wood and 55 gallon drums, notice what the shingles are made from! The item that makes it special to me is the sign posted by the front door. "Positively No Admittance /  NO KNIVES MADE" now do you think that these machinists had more then a few requests for knives?? I always wondered how many knives were unofficially made in this little jungle workshop?

Credit: Official U.S. Navy Photo


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Last but not least a few sailors hamming it up with bolos stuffed in their belts and bayonets fixed, one fellow has his swimming trunks on, a hell of a way to spend the war!

Credit: Alec Tulkoff



Old Photos 4